
Data plotted here is from DINOSTRAT, available via Zenodo: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7791273. Please cite Bijl, 2022 when using this data.


Plots are based on the following information

North Sea Compilation Surculosphaeridium trunculum Costa and Davey, 1992 0.5 in amm_b_Deshayesites deshayesi FO 119.53999999999999 42.47270556666667
North Sea Compilation Surculosphaeridium trunculum Costa and Davey, 1992 0.9 in amm_b_Douvilleiceras mammillatum LO 110.285 44.4497791175
North Sea Compilation Surculosphaeridium longifurcatum Costa and Davey, 1992 0.25 in amm_b_Placenticeras polyopsis LO 84.875 45.096960357142855
North Sea Compilation Surculosphaeridium vestitum Riding and Thomas, 1992 0.5 in amm_b_Aulacostephanus eudoxus LO 150.31 39.38017643333333
Vallentigny Surculosphaeridium longifurcatum Davey and Verdier, 1971 0.5 in amm_b_Douvilleiceras mammillatum FO 110.545 40.06189824
400A Surculosphaeridium trunculum Davey, 1979 0.5 in nan_u_BC23 LO 111.56510625000001 38.79998449246875
400A Surculosphaeridium longifurcatum Davey, 1979 0.5 in nan_u_BC26 FO 103.66912500000001 39.489816894375
400A Surculosphaeridium trunculum Davey, 1979 0.9 in nan_u_BC21 FO 115.01060237292519 38.254657284372016
Kandern Surculosphaeridium vestitum Dimter and Smelror, 1990 0.8 in amm_b_Sigaloceras calloviense FO 163.55 37.3749897
Pueblo Surculosphaeridium longifurcatum Dodsworth, 2000 0.4 in amm_b_Mammites nodosoides LO 93.17 45.6836979
Isle of Wright Surculosphaeridium longifurcatum Duxbury, 1983 0.33 in amm_b_Leymeriella tardefurcata FO 111.138 42.299114935
Scotian Margin Surculosphaeridium longifurcatum Fensome et al., 2008 0.75 in nan_c_NC18 LO 80.04408000000001 38.66205980822222
Scotian Margin Surculosphaeridium longifurcatum Williams et al., 1993 0.1 in stage_Albian FO 111.93 39.921637695
poigny Surculosphaeridium longifurcatum Pearce et al., 2022 0.8 in nan_u_UC14 LO 81.33399999999997 40.279681079999996
Hold With Hope Surculosphaeridium longifurcatum Nøhr-Hansen et al., 2020 0.85 in stage_Cenomanian FO 94.89 59.04466782
Bohemian Basin Surculosphaeridium belowii Olde et al., 2015 0 in nan_u_UC9c FO 89.49 43.42206462
Bohemian Basin Surculosphaeridium belowii Olde et al., 2015 1 in nan_u_UC9c LO 87.18 43.256188
east Kent Surculosphaeridium basifurcatum Prince et al., 2008 0.91 in amm_b_Placenticeras polyopsis LO 84.01700000000001 44.238568081428575
east Kent Surculosphaeridium belowii Prince et al., 2008 0.99 in amm_b_Placenticeras polyopsis LO 83.91300000000001 44.22030553285715
east Kent Surculosphaeridium belowii Prince et al., 2008 0 in amm_b_Peroniceras tridorsatum FO 89.39 45.089179900000005
east Kent Surculosphaeridium longifurcatum Prince et al., 2008 0.8 in amm_b_Peroniceras tridorsatum FO 88.35000000000001 44.99944907142857
east Kent Surculosphaeridium cassospinum Prince et al., 2008 1 in amm_b_Scaphites hippocrepis III LO 80.97 43.7515718
Snøvit field Surculosphaeridium longifurcatum Radmacher et al., 2014a 1 in stage_Santonian LO 83.65 NA
6711 Surculosphaeridium longifurcatum Radmacher et al., 2015 0.2 in stage_Campanian LO 81.354 59.76128801375
Isle of Skye Surculosphaeridium vestitum Riding and Thomas, 1997 0.6 in amm_b_Perisphinctes pumilus LO 158.116 43.84450266222222
Silesian Basin Surculosphaeridium trunculum Skupien and Vašíček, 2002 0 in amm_t_Deshayesites forbesi FO 120.65 37.992
Silesian Basin Surculosphaeridium trunculum Skupien and Vašíček, 2002 1 in amm_t_Leymeriella germanica LO 111.27 39.849000000000004
Western Carpathians Surculosphaeridium longifurcatum Skupien, 2004 1 in amm_t_Douvilleiceras mammillatum FO 110.22 39.3626
Western Carpathians Surculosphaeridium trunculum Skupien, 2004 1 in amm_t_Leymeriella germanica LO 111.27 39.1841
Fumichon Surculosphaeridium longifurcatum Tocher and Jarvis, 1994 0.4 in amm_t_Mantelliceras dixoni FO 97.518 41.659732944
Dorset-Yorkshire Surculosphaeridium cribrotubiferum Woollam and Riding, 1983 1 in amm_b_Perisphinctes plicatilis LO 158.35 38.823529
North Sea Basin Surculosphaeridium vestitum Copestake and Partington, 2023 0.5 in amm_b_Quenstedtoceras mariae LO 160.595 43.28716481428572
North Sea Basin Surculosphaeridium vestitum Copestake and Partington, 2023 0 in amm_b_Quenstedtoceras lamberti FO 162.45 43.214676714285716
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