
Data plotted here is from DINOSTRAT, available via Zenodo: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7791273. Please cite Bijl, 2022 when using this data.


Plots are based on the following information

361 Chlamydophorella albertii Davey, 1978 0.75 in nan_c_NC7b LO 114.90584999999999 -41.990924297999996
361 Chlamydophorella albertii Davey, 1978 0.2 in nan_c_NC6b FO 120.29050118277455 -42.173248087748256
Isle of Wright Chlamydophorella nyei Duxbury, 1983 0.3 in amm_b_Deshayesites deshayesi FO 119.712 40.29984736
Isle of Wright Chlamydophorella nyei Duxbury, 1983 0.1 in amm_b_Epicheloniceras martinoides LO 118.637 40.639918234999996
Q13_14 Chlamydophorella nyei Duxbury, 2001 1 in amm_b_Epicheloniceras martinoides LO 117.53 48.73780811666666
Scotian Margin Chlamydophorella nyei Fensome et al., 2008 0.5 between 1 nan_c_NC12 1 nan_c_NC17 LO 88.34301 40.57962701367143
Omsk No. 8 Chlamydophorella nyei Lebedeva et al., 2013 0.5 in mag_C31r LO 70.36100000000002 51.55717435428571
Rio Argos Chlamydophorella nyei Leereveld, 1997b 0.2 in amm_t_Tirnovella alpillensis LO 138.302 23.357079016827605
748 Chlamydophorella discreta Mao and Mohr, 1992 0.2 in nan_n_CC24 LO 71.82620000000001 -60.49394455616667
748 Chlamydophorella nyei Mao and Mohr, 1992 0.8 in nan_n_CC24 LO 70.56380000000001 -60.58144255216666
748 Chlamydophorella nyei Mohr and Mao, 1997 0.1 in stage_Campanian FO 82.50200000000001 -59.83987065142857
638B Chlamydophorella nyei Masure, 1988 0.2 in nan_n_CC4b LO 130.46260906728548 34.0770036327946
638B Chlamydophorella nyei Masure, 1988 1 in nan_n_CC3b FO 132.96647180046412 34.42408443974955
Tarfaya Chlamydophorella discreta Prauss, 2015 0.95 in plfor_A_Helvetoglobotruncana helvetica FO 89.93926 21.64061986416
Tarfaya Chlamydophorella discreta Prauss, 2015 0.85 in plfor_A_Dicarinella asymetrica LO 80.270585 19.185292125566665
east Kent Chlamydophorella nyei Prince et al., 2008 0.925 in amm_b_Placenticeras polyopsis LO 83.9975 44.23514385357143
east Kent Chlamydophorella discreta Prince et al., 2008 0.99 in amm_b_Placenticeras polyopsis LO 83.91300000000001 44.22030553285715
Snøvit field Chlamydophorella nyei Radmacher et al., 2014a 1 in stage_Santonian LO 83.65 NA
Dan Field Chlamydophorella multifibrata Schiøler, 1993 0 in stage_Maastrichtian FO 72.17 46.08333972222222
Dan Field Chlamydophorella multifibrata Schiøler, 1993 1 in stage_Maastrichtian LO 66.04 45.28252333333333
Milne Land Chlamydophorella ectotabulata Smelror, 1988a 0.5 in amm_b_Cardioceras cordatum LO 159.38 51.003116825
Milne Land Chlamydophorella ectotabulata Smelror, 1988a 0.5 in amm_b_Erymnoceras coronatum FO 163.10500000000002 50.70263504375
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